Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Lazy morning:

Emi loves bathtime! Todd laughed because I like to play soothing music during her baths.

I'm trying so hard to catch a good smile. Here's one in progress (but I missed the big grin part):

Newborn Photos

Emmeline's newborn photos. Thought I'd post for anyone who hasn't seen them. It's a sampling of what our good friend Kimmy Howard captured a few days after she was born.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

For the record

Emmeline is five weeks old today. She started smiling on 5/14 and now gives me so many smiles sometimes that I can't count them. However, I haven't been able to capture any on camera yet. I think I need a joint effort with one person holding the camera and another coaxing out a smile. The dress in these pictures was given to Emi by Alaina. She picked it because it's similar to a dress she owns.

Emi slept from about 10-6:15 last night! I think that was her best yet. Her feeding started sometime before 9:30. It seems unbelievable that she can go that long at her age, but I'm just trying to enjoy it and make sure she gets what she needs. She has had at least one 4, 5, or 6 hour (or more, lately!) stretch at night pretty much since she got home from the hospital. I'm not expecting things to always be that way, but she has been a really great sleeper so far. I'm writing all this here because I don't have a baby book for her, I'm not sure if I'll get one, and I'm guessing that my memory will not hold up perfectly!

Monday, May 14, 2012


Sleeping peacefully on Mother's Day. She was quiet all through church. Last night she was very noisy while sleeping, though. Maybe we just need to turn down the monitor volume! I'm pretty sure she smiled at me twice this morning, but I'll have to see it again to confirm. I went grocery shopping with her for the first time this morning while Alaina was at preschool, and that went very well.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Hanging out with Daddy and Alaina

I was curious how much Emi looks like Alaina, so here's a photo of Alaina. She was about 6 weeks old here, but probably closer to Emi's size since she was born smaller and earlier than her. What do you think? Looks like Emi might end up with a longer face like Todd's (unless it's just Alaina's hair that's throwing me off). Alaina's nose looks more delicate and her lips have more color.

Alaina shared one of her glow bracelets with her sister.

We love when Emi just curls up on our chests and sleeps!

No hands!


Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Welcome, Emi!

Welcome to Emi's blog! I'm not sure if I'm going to do a separate blog for each child or just do one family blog, but this will be here for now.

Here's a photo of me in the last few weeks of my pregnancy:

And here's Emi right after she was born!

Loaded into the car seat and ready to leave the hospital:

Hanging out with her big sister -- wow, Alaina has never seemed so big to me until now!