Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Emi has a favorite book...it's actually from the $1 bin at Target, a Sesame Street book called Bubbles Bubbles. I've thought for a while that she's been saying "bubble" (well, it's more like "bubba"), and now I can say I'm sure of it. She now crawls over to get the book and says "bubba bubba" and today we went to baby storytime at the library, they blew bubbles, and she said "Bubba! Bubba!" So I guess that is her other very official word besides "Mama" and "Dada." I think one night last week when Todd got home from work she said, "Hi Dada." She loved going to storytime today and just getting out of the house. This is a girl who loves to get outside, go different places, see new things, and interact with various people. Winter is not a good season for this. In another couple of months, we'll be able to get her more of this sort of stimulation. Today she even loved getting out in the 60-degree weather and feeling the wind in her hair. She also loves looking at books and being read to, but only certain books. If something gets too wordy, she won't enjoy it unless there are flaps to lift or something. She enjoys helping turn pages, too, but usually I ask her to do it and then she does. Tonight while reading Goodnight Moon she was able to point to a couple items pictured (I usually point to each thing as I read).

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