Emi is now 8 1/2 months old. She started clapping on Christmas Eve. She loves music, and her favorite song over the past few weeks was "Jingle Bells." I've even noticed her trying to sing along. Her smile is contagious. Last night I put my mouth on her cheek and said something, so she did the same back to me and we both giggled. She keeps trying to say words, and every once in a while I think I hear her say something but I'm not quite sure (ball and Alaina are a couple examples). She rolls all over the place but still doesn't crawl. She loves to take books off the bookshelf. Still puts everything in her mouth. Her two bottom teeth are nicely in now. She loves to eat her meals. Emi is a very social baby. She loved interacting with so many people over Christmas. She enjoys how each person has slightly different facial expressions, silly little games they like to play with her, etc. She gets fussy when we leave the room for a few minutes to do something. She much prefers to have someone nearby even if that person isn't 100% focused on her. She enjoyed unwrapping Christmas gifts, although she mostly wanted to tear off little pieces of wrapping paper and put them in her mouth. She didn't enjoy the car ride home from visiting family last week. She doesn't nap well in the car. I really miss being able to take walks outside with her. Hopefully we'll have some nice weather here and there so we can do that occasionally before spring. I have more pictures, but Blogger isn't letting me upload from my camera, so maybe I'll add more later.
Look at this joyful smile! :-)
What a cute double chin!
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